VenusWorld Twitch Stream Review - Friday 15th November 2019

'Twas a cold and wintry night...', and so UK Singer/Songwriter Venus conducted her latest VenusWorld Twitch.TV stream in her beautiful golden winter's coat. This stream was an unusually early start at 8pm, meaning that one or two of our regular Venusians couldn't make it from the outset; Luke, the 'Modfather', was handling pretty much all the modding duties for which we are sooo grateful. Raids included one from the wonderful SandExperiment, a Russian artist who does wonderful things out of sand!

Song List:

Volcano - Damien Rice 

I Don’t Want to be You any More - Billie Eilish 

Love for a Child - Jason Mraz 

The Fog - Venus 

Exit Music For a Film - Radiohead 

Her - Venus 

My Immortal - Evanescence 

The Night We Met - Lord Huron 

Plug-In Baby - Muse 

Front Porch - Joy Williams 

Turning Page - Sleeping at Last 

Perfect Day - Lou Reed 

Bliss - Muse 

Diving for Pearls - Venus