Venus Twitch Live Music Stream Review Wednesday 11 May 2022

Freshly back from a weekend Bachelorette (aka Hen, and that of a friend, not Venus') party in Portugal, and with hair now grown long enough for tiny space buns (YES), Twitch music streamer Venus entertained her global following of "Beans" with a mixture of hilarious stories and a few well chosen songs to honour her (temporary) husky voice, caused by talking a lot all weekend. We're sure NerdrageSWE spoke for all the Beans when they said in Chat: "Coming in here, no matter what mood I'm in, always makes me smile. This calming, wonderful voice and lovely community" Aw thank you for those lovely words and thank you all our dear Beans for your ongoing and amazing generosity. Thanks also to QueenBella10 for raiding us, and to the wonderfully talented singer-songwriter joeycollinsuk for hosting our community when we brought them to raid him after the stream.

Song List

Blue Jean - Lana Del Rey 

The Party’s Over - Billie Eilish 

Love Song - The Cure 

Where’s My Love - Syml 

Sounds of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel 

Stoned at the Nail Salon - Lorde